Saturday 3 May 2014


NOT every muslim love goat,and most of their perception about goat mostly about it's meet is not good for health and it sticky smell.BUT do they know that goat meat or lamb is one of our prophet MUHAMMAD favourite food and our prophet also  a shepherd during he's childhood.At the age of eight years , Prophet Muhammad lived with his uncle Abu Talib after the death of her grandfather and her mother. Although Abu Talib, the chief tribe of Bani Hashim , he lived in modest circumstances . Thus ,prophet Muhammad began learn to be independent by  shepherd in the desert .Reffering to Muhammad bin Abdullah  resume in from "Jejak Bisnes Rasul" book,told that our prophet being a shepherd from 8 to 21 years old.Also,in the hadith sahih Bukhari states:
    "Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: We were with Allah's Apostle picking the fruits of the 'Arak trees, and Allah's Apostle said, "Pick the black fruit, for it is the best." The companions asked, "Were you a shepherd?" He replied, "There was no prophet who was not a shepherd." 
  Shepherd teach someone to be patience and need continued efforts to control the movement of sheep and shepherding them. The nature of goats  is it smells musty, stubborn and did not listen to orders even from being  hit though. For entrepreneurs,they should take a lesson from shepherd  to practice being patient, aggressive, tough-minded, discipline, hard work, time, matter about finance, human resources and reflect on the wisdom of God's creation.

   At our prophet childhood,we also know that he also playing with goat.We can know that our prophet is playing with a goath when he's still a kid from A strange incident took place in the prophet’s childhood. Once both Muhammad and his foster brother were playing in the yard with the goats when the Angel Jibrael appeared to them. The Angel came split open Muhammad’s chest, took out his heart, removed a blood clot and washed it in Zamzam. The angel then returned the heart to Muhammad's body before going away. The angel said this was the part of shaytan in you.

   Furthermore,our prophet also love to eat lamb(goat meat),and also was reported to have been pleased when once drinking goat milk(Hadith Muslim #4984).

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